I enjoyed working on communicating ideas through cave paintings. I don’t have much experience with drawing, but cave paintings are a format where more simplistic drawings fit in. I tried to replicate the style of other cave paintings, using humans, bulls, and birds as references for parts of the advertisements. The first advertisement I made was for Red Bull. The picture showed a can with a bull on it, and a person with wings holding the can, referring to the slogan “Red Bull gives you wings”. My second advertisement was for some sort of cleaning product. It included two spray bottles, one with a dirty surface beneath it, and the other with a clean surface beneath it.
Trying to communicate an idea with only pictures can be difficult, since there is more left open to the audience’s interpretation. I think people were able to guess my advertisements quickly because they both rely on tropes that we are familiar with. However, if someone wasn’t familiar with commercials for Red Bull or cleaning supplies, there isn’t much information that they could use to figure out what I was trying to communicate. By itself, a winged person holding an object doesn’t give any indication that an energy drink is being advertised, and lines pointing around an object don’t show that it is shiny. Pictographs seem useful for basic concepts that a culture is familiar with, but it would be more challenging to communicate a new idea or to try to teach something using pictures. Working on this assignment also made me realize how effective simple logos or slogans that are often used in advertising can be, people were pretty quickly able to guess advertisements for companies like State Farm, M&Ms, and Red Bull.